Member On-water Activities
Scarborough Bluffs Sailing Club
SBSC is one of the best kept secrets in the city. Our club is located in Bluffer's Park, at the foot of Brimley Road in Scarborough, right on Lake Ontario. We have a lovely two-story clubhouse adjacent to our harbour and docks with the scenic Cathedral Bluffs as a backdrop.
Newport Members are invited on our club cruise from August 2 - 4. For more information about Scarborough Bluffs Sailing Club Club go to: Home - Scarborough Bluffs Sailing Club
Register today!
Mimico Cruising Club
Register Today: July 19-21
Founded in 1978 and located in beautiful Humber Bay Park West, Mimico Cruising Club, has a gorgeous clubhouse and grounds, wide fairways and spectacular facilities.
Toronto Hydroplane & Sailing Club
The Toronto Hydroplane and Sailing Club is located at Ashbridge’s Bay, on the north shore of Lake Ontario.
43°39’36.4″N 79°18’47.5″W
@ 20 Ashbridges Bay Park Rd, Toronto
Our club offers a wide range of boating facilities, including excellent dockage, with individual finger piers for approximately 100 boats. Our spacious, landscaped patio with barbeques and shaded tables is a perfect spot to relax after a day’s sail. A fully equipped kitchen, showers and lockers are all here for your convenience. Aug 22-24. Register Today