Clean Marine Environmental Commitment Form

Clean Marine Policy

I have read and agree with the intent of the Clean Marine Policy. I am aware that the facility is adopting Clean Marine Practices throughout the property and its operation. I will make every effort to comply with these practices when possible and help the facility to protect our natural environment.

In becoming a member, I commit my guests, my crew and myself:

  1. To keep all refuse and garbage of any kind on board the boat until we can place it in the waste containers onshore.

  2. To separate all recyclables and place them in the appropriate containers.

  3. To separate hazardous wastes, including used oils and antifreeze, unwanted paints, solvents and cleaners, batteries, old unusable fuel, and used oil filters and dispose of them in accordance with facility guidelines or else take all such wastes to the municipal household hazardous waste collection site.

  4. To take all necessary steps to avoid spilling fuel, oil or any chemicals or cleaners whatsoever into the water and to refrain from pumping oil-contaminated bilge water overboard.

  5. To carry out any repair work on the boat in designated areas only, taking all precautions required by the facility to avoid leaving any debris, litter or liquid contaminants on the ground or in the water.

  6. To use the onshore washroom facilities whenever practical, as long as the boat is at the dock and to avoid pumping grey water overboard when in the marina.

  7. To never discharge raw sewage from the black-water holding tanks to anywhere other than an approved pump-out facility.

  8. To use environmentally responsible products whenever and wherever possible.

  9. To always operate my boat in a safe and considerate manner, to operate the engines only, when necessary, to avoid creating a wake when entering and leaving the dock, and to avoid causing a nuisance to all others using the facilities.

  10. To always show respect for the environment and for the fish, birds and animals and all other creatures that share it with us.

  11. To always promote Clean Marine practices.